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Services are Layer-2 broadcast domains (VLANs) that are optionally routed through the Layer-3 fabric as VXLAN frames. Services enable devices connected to different parts of the network to appear to be in the same local segment. Layer-3 addressing and routing can be optionally enabled for each service to support IP packet forwarding as well as DHCP relay services. A service is linked to a tenant for further isolation of network reachability.

Creating a Service🔗

  1. From the world view click the Tenant icon ().
  2. Navigate to the Tenant where you wish to create a new service.
  3. Click the Add a New Service button.
  4. Enter the name of the service and click the Checkmark () button.
  5. Click the Edit () button to configure the service.
Setting Value Description
Layer-2 VLAN Required The 802.1q VLAN tag to be used on the provisioned switch ports.
Layer-2 VNI (Autoassigned) Specifies the VXLAN VNID number if the user wishes to override the automatic assignment.
Anycast Address Optional Enables Layer-3 routing and reachability for this subnet. This is also the default gateway for devices connected to the service.
DHCP Relay Optional Enables DHCP packet forwarding to a central DHCP server(s) for address requests.
MTU Optional Maximum Transmission Unit for the Layer-2 segment. This is either automatically generated or not required.


You must set the DHCP source address range in the Tenant Layer 3 section described below in order to support DHCP Relay. The DHCP Source address range is used by Verity to create loopback addresses within each Leaf switch to serve as the source address for the DHCP requests for the tenant when it is configured on the switch)

  1. Click the Enable checkbox to enable the service.
  2. Click the Save Checkmark to complete the service creation ().


Provisioning Objects can be organized into collections called Groups. Groups do not affect the behavior of Provisioning Objects and are used only for aesthetic and organizational purposes.

Create a Service Group🔗

  1. From the World View, click the Tenants icon ().
  2. Double-click the Tenant that contains the Service you want to group. Tenants are listed by name.
  3. Select your chosen Service by double clicking the tile.
  4. Click the edit icon ().
  5. Click the Group form field to edit.
  6. In the form field that appears select Create New Group from the form options.
  7. In the pop-up that appears , type a name in the name field .
  8. Push ENTER to submit name.

Enable Layer-3 Anycast IP/Mask on a Service🔗


Prior to enabling Tenant-to-Tenant routing your chosen Tenant must have a Service with a Layer-3 Anycast IP/Mask field set.

  1. From the World View, click the Tenants icon ().
  2. Go to the Tenants tile. Double-click a Tenant tile that contains the Service that needs the Layer-3 Anycast IP/Mask feature enabled.
  3. Select a Service by double-clicking its tile.
  4. In the Anycast IP/Mask form field type the static anycast gateway address for this service.
  5. Click the save button ().