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North Bound Interface🔗

Verity NBI (North Bound Interface) is Verity's REST API (version 2.0), conforming to the OpenAPI 3.0 specification.

To access the API go to /swagger.


Spec Documentation🔗

The API is self documenting. To download a JSON file of the NBI specification right-click on swagger.json and choose save-as.

Getting Started🔗

The page displays methods and endpoints. The interface allows users to perform HTTP actions on the Verity software.

Create a Token🔗

To use the API, a user token must first be created.

  • Go to Authorization and click the drop down menu.

  • Click Try it out.

  • In the request body, type the username and password credentials replacing the default string text.

  • Click the Execute button to invoke the HTTP request.

  • If successful, the action returns a 200 status code with a description of Successful authorization. The token is required for requests and expires in 30 minutes. The Authorization drop down menu does not need to remain open and can be closed.

Making a GET Request🔗

  1. Determine the appropriate endpoint for the desired object(s).
  2. Select GET /name-of-endpoint
  3. Click Try it out
  4. Type the name of the object. If name field is left blank, all objects are returned.
  5. Click Execute

Performing an Action (POST,PUT,PATCH,DELETE)🔗

  1. Click the action and the appropriate endpoint for the object to affect.
  2. Click Try it out.
  3. Edit the object in the request body.
  4. Click Execute.


Changesets enable users to temporarily store the results of POST, PUT or DELETE actions without applying them to the system. These changes can be applied later when needed.

To use a changeset, users must first create the changeset via POST/changesets .

How to Create a New Changeset🔗

Go to POST/changesets .

Unfold the field and click Try it out.

  • To create a new changeset, the commit must be set to false, and the changeset_name must be set to a unique name.

Creating a changeset with the same name as a pre-existing changeset will return an error.

How to Commit a Changeset🔗


To commit a changeset it must first be created!

  • To commit a changeset to the system, the commit field must be set to true, and the changeset_name must be set to the changeset the user wants to commit.

Click the Execute button.

To commit a changeset, it first needs to exist. You can view a list of all changesets in the Verity Change Sets window.

Verity Change Sets Window🔗

Changesets are listed within the application from Operations -> Change Sets.


  • Compare to Current: Compares the changes in the changeset to the current system state in the form of a tabular summary. Clicking View Details provides more detailed information in the form of a Report.

  • Download: Downloads a JSON file of the affected object(s) to the user's machine.