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Inter-Tenant Routing🔗

Single Tenant-to-Tenant Routing🔗

Before this feature is performed the selected Tenants must enable their feature Layer-3 Anycast IP/Mask on a service

  1. From the World View, select the Tenants icon .
  2. Double-click the tile of the Tenant you want edit.
  3. In the tile titled Tenant Slice double click the tile titled Tenant-Tenant Routing.

The window that appears contains a diagram representing the flow of inter-tenant communication. Here is where you create Tenant-to-Tenant associations, set Route Maps, and apply Route Target and Distinguisher settings.

To create an inter-tenant connection you first need to select a Tenant to connect with.

In the imports tile select a Tenant of your choice and click the Enable checkbox next to it. To add more Tenants repeat the Import process.

Bidirectional Tenant-to-Tenant Routing🔗

To configure two-way Tenant Routing, complete the above steps to enable single Tenant to Tenant Routing.

  1. Click the HEX navigation Icon of the Import Enabled Tenant to jump to its controls .
  2. In the Tenant Slice window double-click thee Tenant-Tenant Routing window.
  3. Edit enable the window and select the desired Tenant .
  4. Check the corresponding Enable Import checkbox to activate it.

When you view the Tenant-Tenant Routing for bi-directional Tenants, both Tenants display their connection to one another in their Imports window .

Tenant-to-Tenant Routing with Route-maps🔗

Route Maps need to be created before you apply them to Tenant-to-Tenant routing. Creating Route-maps is a separate process. Additionally, applying Route-maps to Tenant-to-Tenant routing requires that Tenant-to-Tenant routing is already configured.

  1. From the World View, select the Tenants icon ().
  2. Open the Tenants tile by double-clicking it.
  3. Double-click the Tenant tile you want to work with.
  4. In the Tenant Slice window double-click the Tenant-Tenant Routing tile.
  5. Set the values of the following 5 form fields as needed for your configuration:
  • Route Distinguisher
  • Route Target Import
  • Import Route Map
  • Route Target Export
  • Export Route Map

You edit the window by clicking the Edit () button.

Select a Tenant.

To add more than one Tenant click the Add row to this Tenant () button.

To enable a connection you click either the Import or Export checkbox.