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Security Configuration🔗

Version 6.4.0

Security Guidelines🔗

This document serves as an overview of the security features integrated into Verity networking software and UI application.


The vNetC supports local authentication and remote authentication via RADIUS. In both cases users may be granted these access levels: admin, read-write, and read-only. An additional attribute "tech" can be granted which exposes expert-level options in the user interface.


  • Local Users: Local user passwords are validated against a sha256-based one-way hash. Passwords are managed from the Administration -> Users -> Accounts panel or on the external RADIUS server.

  • System: Because controllers, switches, and the RADIUS and SNMP agents must be able to recover the clear-text for passwords, it is not possible to use one-way hashes to these store passwords. Instead, they are encrypted using a master key stored on the vNetC using salted AES-256-CBC cryptography with PBKDF2 ("Password-Based Key Derivation Function 2").

Exposed Ports🔗

In normal operation the following ports are exposed on the vNetC:

External (WAN) network:

PORT Protocol Service Description
3,4,8,11 ICMP ping Allows external sources to ping vNetC
22 TCP ssh Access allowed from private
68 UDP DHCP Receives DHCP answers from broadcast source 67
80 TCP HTTP Used for one-time-password image download operations for upgrades. These can optionally be done over HTTPS
161 TCP or UDP SNMP External SNMP access
443 TCP HTTPS Used for: Web access for users. Secure web socket (wss) user REST-based API access. Device access for discover and status.

Management Network (if configured):

Port Protocol Service Description
123 UDP ntp Support NTP sync to devices
1581 TCP ACS Used by ACS system to query database
1582 TCP ACS Used by ACS system to receive events
1958 TCP MACs Receives MAC address table updates
8001 TCP Stats Receives statistics and performance metrics

If the vNetC is configured without a separate management network port, these ports are exposed on the WAN interface, restricted to private (RFC1918) addresses.

RFC1918 addresses are explicitly:


Transport Encryption Standards🔗

All encrypted transports (SSH, HTTPS, WSS) meet US FIPS-140-2 security requirements for cryptographic modules.

HTTPS and Server Web Certificates🔗

The vNetC HTTPS and WSS access terminates in an "haproxy" HTTPS process. This is configured with these cipher rules for TLSv1.2:

Additionally, it utilizes these cipher suites for TLSv1.3:

These ensure a high level of encryption that is compatible with all modern browsers.

SSLv3, TLSv1.0 and TLSv1.1 are disabled.

It is recommended that vNetC's have FQDN and that administrators install a server certificate for the FQDN. When a valid certificate is provided. Strict-Transport-Security is active making SSL-stripping attacks improbable.

Available SSL Test Report


Exposed Ports🔗

In normal operation the following ports are exposed on the SDLC:

Port Protocol Service Description
830 TCP Netconf Allows provisioning and monitoring by the ACS and Vnetc
443 TCP HTTPS Allows limited debugging via webpage
22 TCP SSH Allows full debugging via CLI
80 TCP HTTP Not used
123 UDP NTP Used to sync time
67 UDP DHCP Used to assign IP addresses if DHCP server is enabled.


Exposed Ports🔗

In normal operation the following ports are exposed on the ACS:

Port Protocol Service Description
5555 TCP TR69/HTTPS Used for provisioning and monitoring ONTs over HTTPS
5554 TCP TR69/HTTP Used for provisioning and monitoring ONTs over HTTP
830 TCP netconf Allows provisioning and monitoring by the ACS and Vnetc
514 TCP/UDP syslog Used to receive system messages from devices.
8888 TCP/UDP Vnetc Used by Vnetc to configure and query the ACS
443 TCP HTTPS Allows limited debugging via cli
22 TCP ssh Allows full debugging via cli
80 TCP HTTP Not used
123 UDP NTP Use to sync time
67 UDP DHCP Used to assign IP addresses if DHCP server is enabled.


Exposed Ports🔗

In normal operation the following ports are exposed on GAIA:

Port Protocol Service Description
830 TCP Netconf Allows provisioning and monitoring by the ACS and Vnetc
514 TCP/UDP syslog Used to receive system messages from devices
8080 TCP/UDP Vnetc Used by Vnetc to configure and query GAIA
443 TCP HTTP Allows limited debugging via webpage
22 TCP ssh Allows full debugging via cli


Exposed Ports🔗

In normal operation the following ports are exposed on the BBSW:

Port Protocol Service Description
830 TCP Netconf Allows provisioning and monitoring of the by ACS and Vnetc
514 TCP/UDP syslog Used to receive system messages from devices
443 TCP HTTPS Allows limited debugging via webpage
22 TCP ssh Allows full debugging via cli
69 UDP TFTP Allows for transfer of configuration for some switches then SNMP protocol is selected for monitoring the switch

Client Certificate Authentication🔗

The system can be configured to support client certificate authentication. This operates in a "lockdown" mode that meets US DoD requirements. It does impose strict access requirements on all transports in the systems and demands client certificates for all users, devices, and external application access.

System Logs🔗

The system performs extensive logging of internal and device operations. Logging can be viewed from the web-based user interface, and logs can be forwarded via the syslog protocol using UDP (port 514) or TLS/TCP (port 6514). Logging is explained further under the section titled Admin Control Panel.


The system allows download of the current system state across all management components from the web-based user interface. Nonprivileged users can collect this information in an opaque form that can only be accessed by BE engineers. Privileged users can examine the content without BE involvement.

Downloading a System Snapshot🔗

Downloading system state is performed by clicking the Snapshot Button from the Verity Web Interface. Clicking this button reveals a window prompting you to choose the data you want to capture. After you make your selection, you click Create File and then Download.

Admin Control Panel🔗

Admin is the user control panel for the VNetC. The Admin panel contains tools useful for securing your system.


Certificates is a drag and drop control panel to import SSL Certificates.


For more information see Certificates


Settings are available in Admin/Network/Settings. Settings lets you configure the following: - vNetc Address on Management VLAN - Permissible IP Address Ranges on Managed Devices - Customized Download Address/FQDN

External APIs🔗

External APIs (Admin/External APIs) lets you configure status monitoring, backups, and loggings of the vNetc via SNMP, SFTP and SYSLOG.


Alarms are notifications that inform the administrator about current changes to the network state. Active alarm are listed in Alarms/Active Alarms.

System Graphs🔗

The System Graphs display system wide information such as Service Port activity and virtual machine performance statistics on the UI. Graph types, subtypes and time ranges can be changed at any time. The user saves by clicking on the double check mark icon in the top right. The graph selections are saved per user.