Traffic Mirrors🔗
Traffic Mirror is a network monitoring tool within Verity which allows users to copy traffic from a source port to a destination port. A PC equipped with Wireshark or other monitoring device analyzes the copied traffic at the destination port.
Creating a Traffic Mirror🔗
Verity provides two different methods to initiate Traffic Mirrors: Switch level mirror at the Traffic Mirrors window at the top of the switch or individual switch port by clicking the Traffic Mirror icon at the selected switch port
Create a Traffic Mirror from the Traffic Mirror Window🔗
In Topology -> Topology double-click the Traffic Mirrors tile on the switch . This opens the Traffic Mirror window.
To add a new Traffic Mirror, click the Add row to this Switchpoint button () followed by entering the Source and Destination switch ports, selecting ingress and/or egress traffic, then enable row(s).
Set Traffic Mirror at Device Port🔗
All port mirroring configurations are listed in the Traffic Mirror window.
To create a Traffic Mirror on an individual switch port, click the Traffic Mirror icon () for the source port.
This opens the Traffic Mirror settings, allowing users to assign the destination port and the egress and/or ingress traffic.
Port Traffic Mirroring Indicators🔗
These indicators tell users if a port is used in a traffic mirroring configuration.
Hovering over the indicator provides more information.
Traffic Mirror Reports🔗
To access the Traffic Mirror Reports go to Reports -> Reports -> Traffic Mirrors .