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System Recovery

How to Perform a System Recovery from a POSTGRES Database Backup🔗

Verity 6.3.0 +🔗

  1. Transfer a database backup of the system being recovered to the new system. This would come from the SFTP backup server if configured, or from the old system under the directory: /var/ns/backups/postgres/active/archive/. The file will typically have a name like: 20240514T164709.116Z.tbz

  2. Place the backup file in a convenient location, such as /tmp or /var/ns/direct.

  3. Shut down the operations services using: service ns_init stop

  4. Run the restore command specifying the transferred file, eg: ns_restore -b /tmp/20240514T164709.116Z.tbz . This restores the database and system configuration from the database backup.

  5. Once complete, restart system services using: service ns_init start

  6. virsh console into SDLC and run the setup to point to the vNetC.