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Templates > Templates > Services

A Service is a collection of VLAN settings .

Services are displayed in a summary list of the most commonly used services.

The zoomed in version shows the individual service objects for provisioning.

The following image shows the details within a service dialog box used to edit the parameters of the service. The numbers displayed next to the Affects and Used by fields under the the Service’s name provide the user with a quick cross reference regarding the usage of this service related to service ports, bundles, and service endpoints.

All fields in the Service box are self-explanatory, with pop-up tooltips appearing when you hover your cursor over the field name or value.

Services Allow Fast Leave (IPTV immediate leave)đź”—

Allow Fast Leave is a feature in Services that provides an “immediate leave” option when Multicast Treatment is set to one of the IPTV types. The Allow Fast Leave feature causes the switch to immediately remove a port from the forwarding list for an IGMP multicast group when the port receives a leave message. Allow Fast Leave is recommended for use unless there is only a single receiver present on every port in the VLAN.

Additional Reference Informationđź”—