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Inter-Tenant Routing🔗

Single Tenant-to-Tenant Routing🔗

Before this feature is performed the selected Tenants must enable their feature Layer-3 Anycast IP/Mask on a service.

  1. Enable the world view by clicking the World Icon.
  2. Double-click the Tenants tile.
  3. Double-click the tile of the Tenant you want edit.
  4. In the tile titled Tenant Slice double click the tile titled Tenant-Tenant Routing.

The window that appears contains a diagram representing the flow of inter-tenant communication. Here is where you create Tenant-to-Tenant associations, set Route Maps, and apply Route Target and Distinguisher settings.

To create an inter-tenant connection you first need to select a Tenant to connect with.

In the imports tile select a Tenant of your choice and click the Enable checkbox next to it. To add more Tenants repeat the Import process.

Bidirectional Tenant-to-Tenant Routing🔗

To configure two-way Tenant Routing, complete the above steps to enable single Tenant to Tenant Routing.

  1. Click the HEX navigation Icon of the Import Enabled Tenant to jump to its controls.
  2. In the Tenant Slice window double-click thee Tenant-Tenant Routing window.
  3. Edit enable the window and select the desired Tenant
  4. Check the corresponding Enable Import checkbox to activate it.

When you view the Tenant-Tenant Routing for bi-directional Tenants, both Tenants display their connection to one another in their Imports window.

Tenant-to-Tenant Routing with Route-maps🔗

Route Maps need to be created before you apply them to Tenant-to-Tenant routing. Creating Route-maps is a separate process. Additionally, applying Route-maps to Tenant-to-Tenant routing requires that Tenant-to-Tenant routing is already configured.

  1. Enable the world view by clicking the World Icon.
  2. Open the Tenants tile by double-clicking it.
  3. Double-click the Tenant tile you want to work with.
  4. In the Tenant Slice window double-click the Tenant-Tenant Routing tile.
  5. Set the values of the following 5 form fields as needed for your configuration:
  • Route Distinguisher
  • Route Target Import
  • Import Route Map
  • Route Target Export
  • Export Route Map

TODO - Add/merge below

You edit the window by clicking the Edit button.

Select a Tenant.

To add more than one Tenant click the Add row to this Tenant () button.

To enable a connection you click either the Import or Export checkbox.