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Ethernet Port Profiles (Eth-Port Profiles)🔗

An Eth-Port Profile is a package of up to 25 Services that are served by this port. This object simplifies the provisioning of ports by allowing the operator to group related services (Layer-2 VLANs) that are required by servers.

Creating an Eth-Port Profile🔗

  1. Navigate to the Eth-Port Profiles section (World View / Provisioning / Eth-Port Profiles).
  2. Create a new Eth-Port Profile object by clicking the Add button ().
  3. In the prompt that appears, name the Eth-Port Profile and assign it a group.
  4. Check the Enable box.

Assigning Services to an Eth-Port Profile🔗

  1. Open the Eth-Port Profile tile and set the Service and External VLAN from the drop down menu.
  2. Enable your selection(s) by selecting the Enable checkbox () .